Intro | Zayne, Akso Hospital's Top Cardiac Surgery
LADS Devs 2023-11-18

Review all the intriguing details about him.

Zayne · Sketch

As the youngest recipient of the Starcatcher Award, Zayne has contributed to lowering the prevalence of congenital heart defects in newborns with his discovery that Evol genes affect the mutation rate of cells during heart development.

"Hidden in 2.6 billion heartbeats is the secret of life."

Zayne · Workplace Tour Report

Based on our previous intel, we made an appointment on a day when Dr. Zayne wasn't too busy. We visited Akso Hospital in hopes of interviewing him.

Unfortunately, Dr. Zayne was in the middle of an emergency operation. While waiting in the hospital lobby, we encountered a helpful colleague of his, Dr. Greyson.

Dr. Greyson happily talked to us about Dr. Zayne.

From what we've gathered, Dr. Zayne seems to be reserved and aloof, but the impression he left on his colleagues is somewhat surprising.

Interviewee(s): Greyson, Dr. Zayne's colleague

His time is valuable.

"Dr. Zayne is always in his office, and he takes only one or two days off every month. If you have to see him, you should set up an appointment. But that's for patients only. Dr. Zayne's work and personal time are important."

Dr. Zayne is surprisingly popular?!

"Despite always being addressed by his title, Dr. Zayne is much younger than me. He became a chief of surgery at 27! In the workplace, Dr. Zayne is really strict and has high standards. He's highly respected, and medical school students are eager to watch him do surgery... Ah, how old am I? Don't ask."

"Just between you and me, I think Dr. Zayne lives a dull life. If only he had a girlfriend! We want to do something, but he rejected our help. Then again, I don't even know his type..."

Q: What kind of girls do you think Dr. Zayne likes?

A: Girls who are patient? Uh, girls who will bake him the macarons he likes so much?

Never mind. What matters is his feelings!

Zayne · In-Depth Interview

The Division of Cardiac Surgery at Akso Hospital is always busy. And for Dr. Zayne, the deputy chief of surgery, breaks are a rare occurrence.

We asked him to do an interview several times and adjusted our schedules accordingly. Finally, our interview with Dr. Zayne would take place during the short break between two surgeries.

Having just completed an operation, he agreed to do the interview in his office.

Zayne · Interview Collection

Opening: Hello Dr. Zayne, introduce yourself to the audience.

"Please excuse me for a moment. I need to respond to my colleague first."


"My apologies, let's get started."

"I'm Zayne, a cardiac surgeon who works at Akso Hospital."

Q1: You seem to have just finished a surgery. Can you tell us about it?

"The patient is a sixty-three-year-old man with a primary cardiac tumor."

"The tumor was located on the posterior side of the left atrium. After several discussions between the division, the patient, and his family, we decided to remove the tumor using Evol."

"That is all. Divulging anymore information would be a violation of medical privacy."

...Was it a very difficult operation?

"Not necessarily. This kind of surgery is common now."

Q2: I heard you're one of the youngest chief surgeons in our country. Do you remember the first surgery you did?

"It's been too long, so I don't remember much. Perhaps I was nervous."

"However, every surgery needs to be done carefully. There is no harm in being meticulous."

Q3: The surgery schedule in your division is hectic. How do you usually relax? Are there any tips you can give?

"I simply rest when it's time. Doctors don't work 24/7."

"A person can go watch movies, eat, jog, travel... Do whatever your heart desires."

You seem to have a lot of hobbies. Is that right?

"I suppose. My colleagues will often hang out together, but I typically prefer to spend my days off quietly."

Q4: I heard that during your free time, you're alone and you rarely go out. Is it because you have no one to accompany you?

"What do you mean?"

If you have a girlfriend, there will naturally be one person to go out with you when you have time.

"I don't recall this being in the interview script that was previously emailed to me."

"I assume my gossip-loving colleagues persuaded you to inquire about it."

"The readers should not be interested in my personal life. Please ask the next question."

Q5: Uh... what's your type?

"Excuse me?"

The question after that is... Will you immediately confess when you meet such a person?

"I'll let her know my type."

Q6: And finally, do you have anything to say to the readers?

"Are you asking me to give medical advice?"

"Try to get more sleep and eat your meals on time."